Habits of GB Leaders

  • Be on a Mission
  • Be Energized
  • Show up
  • Always be learning
  • A champion of Win or Learn philosophy
  • Create Synergies
  • Empower People
Write your awesome label here.

The Habits of Great GB Leaders are not based on talents or innate abilities, they are acquired through determination, discipline, and hard work.

Be Empowered.

The strength of our team comes from each individual as much as the power of each individual comes from the team.

Become a GB Leader.

This as a guide for people like you who are on the front, working daily to bring the Jiu-Jitsu of Gracie Barra for Everyone.

Go Farther.

By the time you finish this course, you will have a deep understanding of each one of the Seven Great GB Habits. 

Course Lessons