This week's Knee on the Belly (KOB) escape techniques is part of Week 10 of the GB2 with Prof. Rodrigo Fajardo.

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In our first video, Prof. Rodrigo shows an easy-to-understand escape from the bottom of the dreaded Knee on the belly position.

Video1: Knee on Belly escape to Half Guard

Important detail: When Prof. Rodrigo is looking to bridge to alleviate his opponent's weight, he brings his feet in close to his hips. This enables Prof. Rodrigo to get the maximum power in his bridge.

"The closer that my heel is to my hip, the higher my bridge is, the easier...."
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Starting in the same original position as Video 1, Prof. Rodrigo teaches how to escape when the top opponent has positioned their Knee higher on his chest.

Video 2: Variation Knee on Belly escape to Half Guard

Important detail! Please pay attention to how Prof. uses his right hand to grip the foot/toes on his opponent's foot in order to be able to stuff the opponent's leg into his half guard following the bridge.

The takeaway: Nearly all escapes from bottom positions start with a powerful bridging movement. Instead of pushing with the power of our weaker arms, we use the much more potent power of our hips and legs to escape!
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