Before GB Online there was just an idea, an idea of connection all of Gracie Barra together in a way no other BJJ community had done before. Marcio Feitosa wrote the following vision statement in 20??.
World Jiu-Jitsu Passport ®
As members of the 21st century, we experience, daily, the impact of globalization. From communication to health, to the martial arts and sciences, to government and business, there is a growing need to incorporate an international perspective. Gracie Barra has developed the World Jiu-Jitsu Passport ® program to invigorate our community of instructors, students and athletes and to get them excited about the unique,
cross-disciplinary and international opportunities offered by over 700 GB Schools on six continents.
What is the World Jiu-Jitsu Passport?
Through a unique naming number, which will also appear in your certificate, your record can be retrieved anywhere in the world, at any time visiting an exclusive member’s site. Also, your rank details will be registered in a official Gracie Barra certificate signed by Master Carlos Gracie Jr, and issued by Gracie Barra Brasil.
Jiu-Jitsu learning is a life-long commitment that requires dedication, discipline and a mastery of the principles of the gentle art, the WJJP demonstrates it to your colleagues, community, and your Gracie Barra peers around the globe.
World Jiu-Jitsu Passport Major Areas
The WJJP program has a cutting edge Member’s Site and a complete range of certifications, from entry-level to advanced, that include instructor’s and premium schools. It’s all designed to suit the needs of our community of instructors, students and athletes built by over 700 GB Schools on six continents: